Architectural journal 303 published my student article about body and architecture. A series of spaces arose as a personal response to the subject Architectural Manipulation of Nature, as part of a teaching task on Interior architecture, a subject in the Faculty of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka. 303 took my designs and published them in issue 2, p.80.
Here is the complete article in English:
The inspiration was the location of Gornji Šeher, once known as the center of today’s Banja Luka, and today for its spas and hot springs, which are located even within residential buildings.
We find the beginning in a house that in our traditional architecture represents an organic form created under the influence of nature in the context of the past, and in the function of the future, viewed as a deliberate fusion of nature and artifacts. Spas within single-family buildings are a captured part of nature on which new life is built. The illustrations show the home as a cave shaped by the collective psyche of individuals, a cave with a source of hot water, where nature naturally enters the domain of domesticity, imitates the natural design, one element gradually transforms into another, with a fluid boundary between (Adiantum Capillus Veneris L. and designer- lighting fixtures). It is not only a place of emotions, experiences, and memories but also a place of meditation.
The body is the instrument that helps us to experience space. The skin, as the largest organ of our body, is a receptor for external stimuli (feeling hot-cold, chills, pain, the sense of rough-finely processed material). In addition to it, there are some other organs that allow us to understand space, its quality, dimensions, and content. The senses transfer us to the sphere of experiential and cognitive and later affect the behavioral part of the human individual. The body surrenders to the experiences around it, frees itself from physical and moral restraints to the extent that it loses its physical characteristics, fades to the level when existence ceases, and only space and thought remain.
See the complete journal:
The 303 magazine is a student architectural journal. Its content offers expert articles, interviews and a selection of student works from different faculties from the Balkan region as well as educational and informative texts, notable achievements, student activism, and events. In addition to students, 303 is followed and supported by some experts and the general public.